Ο Ο'Μπρέιντι, που μόλις ολοκλήρωσε το ταξίδι του, με το χαμόγελο της επιτυχίας στα χείλη | Instagram

Αθλος: Αμερικανός διέσχισε με σκι την Ανταρκτική χωρίς βοήθεια

Protagon Team Protagon Team 27 Δεκεμβρίου 2018, 11:38
Ο Ο'Μπρέιντι, που μόλις ολοκλήρωσε το ταξίδι του, με το χαμόγελο της επιτυχίας στα χείλη

Αθλος: Αμερικανός διέσχισε με σκι την Ανταρκτική χωρίς βοήθεια

Protagon Team Protagon Team 27 Δεκεμβρίου 2018, 11:38

Εναν ιστορικό άθλο ολοκλήρωσε ο Κόλιν Ο’Μπρέιντι που έγινε ο πρώτος άνθρωπος που διέσχισε την Ανταρκτική με σκι, χωρίς βοήθεια, κάτι που κάποτε θεωρούνταν ανέφικτο.

«Το πέτυχα!» έγραψε στο Instagram. «Τραβούσα το έλκηθρό μου πάνω από μια αόρατη γραμμή και έφτασα στον προορισμό μου» ήταν το μήνυμα του Ο’Μπρέιντι που κατέγραψε ολόκληρο το ταξίδι στο Instagram.

Ο 33χρονος Αμερικανός χρειάστηκε 54 ημέρες για να διασχίσει την παγωμένη ήπειρο καλύπτοντας 1.482 χιλιόμετρα μέσα σε δριμύ ψύχος.

Τα τελευταία 130 χιλιόμετρα της διαδρομής τα κάλυψε με μία μεγάλη τελική προσπάθεια που του πήρε 32 ώρες.

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Day 50: STRUNG OUT BUT STILL MOVING. I can’t believe I been out here all alone for 50 days. Even having lived it, I can’t quite wrap my mind around it. This wind storm still has not subsided so I spent another day getting beat down. Fingers crossed I catch a break on the weather soon. I’ve been writing a lot about the mental game as it’s clearly the most crucial part of this challenge (or any challenge for that matter). However today I want to honor my body and health. I wholeheartedly believe that nothing in life is more important that being healthy. Without that it’s hard to do or do fully. I’m so fortunate to have parents that instilled that in me from a young age, teaching me the importance of healthy eating and exercise. My dad is an organic farmer so I guess you could say it’s in my blood. Despite feeling exhausted and worn out, I’m grateful for having lived a healthy lifestyle, for without that I’m certain my body would have given up by now. And on the health front, I’m glad to be partnered with @Grandrounds who go above and beyond to guide people to the highest quality healthcare. It’s incredible to know they provide access to medical expertise literally anywhere on the planet! #GrandRounds #TheImpossibleFirst #BePossible

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Ο Ο’Μπρέιντι είχε μόνο τον εξοπλισμό του σκι και έσερνε και ένα έλκηθρο με εφόδια, βάρους 170 κιλών, ακόμη και σε ανηφόρες και κυματισμούς στον πάγο που είχαν δημιουργηθεί από τους ισχυρούς ανέμους.

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Day 44: TAKING STOCK. The reason it’s been often said that this traverse is impossible is because of that fact that without resupply, it’s hard to imagine you can carry enough calories to make it to the end. It’s true; the math is a complicated equation and the room for error is razor thin. In my tent tonight I took out all of the remaining food for a calorie inventory with @jennabesaw I’m so thankful for all of the research and preparation we were able to do with @standardprocess to get my nutrition optimized. These “Colin Bars” have been the life blood of my success so far. Jenna and my mom took a look at what’s left and made a strategic plan. Lucky to have smart women who I trust with my life taking good care to devise the plan. I have to be very disciplined now as I have just enough to hopefully get me to the end, but every calorie is precious at this point. I am choosing to stay in the positive, not dwell on the suffering. Jenna and I live by the saying, “Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.” But the hairy truth of it is…I’ve lost a ton of weight. So much so that I am afraid to take a close look at my body. My calves feel more like the size of my arms at this point. My watch is starting to slide around on my wrist and I’ve had to tighten the strap. However I managed another 20+ mile day on these skinny legs. Fortunately, the most important muscle of all, my mind, keeps willing my body toward the finish one step at a time. #TheImpossibleFirst #BePossible

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Κατάφερε ακόμη να ξεπεράσει και έναν ανταγωνιστή, τον βρετανό λοχαγό Λούις Ραντ, που επιχειρεί και αυτός τον άθλο να διασχίσει την ήπειρο τις ίδιες ημέρες.

Ο Αμερικανός είχε δώσει στην αποστολή του τον τίτλο «Η αδύνατη πρώτη φορά» και την περιέγραφε λεπτομερώς στο Instagram από τη στιγμή που ξεκίνησε, στις 3 Νοεμβρίου.

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Day 40: SOUTH POLE!!! I made it!!! What a day. I expected to be happy reaching the South Pole, but today has quite honestly been one of the best days of my entire life. It was whiteout conditions approaching the pole as it’s been for days. I spent about an hour there – taking photos and soaking in the moment before continuing onward. I am deeply honored to be adding to the 100 year lineage of the @explorersclub flag. Just having that fabric in my hand at the pole, knowing all of the other hands it’s touched over the generations, gives me chills. Shortly after leaving the pole the sun came out and I was overcome with one of the deepest feelings of happiness and calm that I have ever experienced. I truly felt I was tapping into all of the love that was being sent my way from all over the world. Deep, deep, deep gratitude – I’m shining my love right back at you. Some perspective on today’s accomplishment (which for me feels completely humbling, putting me in rare company.) Only 28 people before me have completed coast to pole crossing; skied from the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole, solo, unsupported (no resupplies), and unaided (no kites). Only 2 people before me have done so on this route. For all of these people the South Pole was a very worthy finish line, but I still have unfinished business as I try to be the very first to complete a full traverse and reach the opposite coast. Onward!! #TheImpossibleFirst #BePossible

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Το 2016 ο Χένρι Γουόρσλι επιχείρησε κάτι ανάλογο, αλλά δεν κατάφερε να επιζήσει. Ο 55χρονος Βρετανός αναγκάστηκε να εγκαταλείψει την προσπάθεια μόλις 48 χιλιόμετρα πριν από τον τερματισμό και να καλέσει εξαντλημένος για βοήθεια. Λίγο αργότερα απεβίωσε στο νοσοκομείο όπου νοσηλευόταν.

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